Sports Registration Information
2024-25 Registration
Athletes must have all paperwork completed, uploaded and approved through Arbiter Sports/Family ID before participating. If paperwork is incomplete students may not participate.

Click here to register ----->>>> Arbiter Sports / Family ID
Seton Catholic Athletics will be accepting registrations ONLY through ArbiterSports/Family ID online platform - Do not bring paperwork to the school. (FamilyID is now ArbiterSports, your login info should remain the same.)
If your athlete is planning on playing more than one sport during the year, please select each of those sports as you complete the profile.
Once completed the athletic department staff will review your completed registration and give you an approved status or next steps on how to finish registration. For any questions, please contact Jen Hutchison, Admin Assistant - Athletics at [email protected]
Click here to register ----->>>> Arbiter Sports / Family ID
Due Dates for Athletic Registration 2024-25
- Spring Sports: Baseball, Softball, Boys Court Volleyball, Girls Beach Volleyball, Boys & Girls Tennis, Track & Field
- REGISTRATION IS DUE FRIDAY February 7, 2025 10 P.M.
- Portal will close at 10 p.m. Friday Feb 7th and reopen for late registration on Tuesday Feb 8th
- Families are required to create a FACTS account: To set up your FACTS account to pay all athletic fees, click here.
- Participation fee ($250 per sport if received before the above due dates, $300 for late registrations.) will be posted to your active FACTS account once rosters are finalized. Fees are non-refundable once rosters are complete and competition starts.
- Clearance to participate will be given as soon as information is complete.
The following documents must be read:
CDC Head's Up - Concussion Information
FAQ's (click here)
Q: My student participated last year, do I need to do anything?
A: Yes, log on to ArbiterSports/FamilyID and update their profile to include the 24/25 schoolyear and select each applicable sport.
Q: Do I need a physical?
A: Yes. Physicals 24/25 schoolyear must be dated on or after 3/1/2024. Spring sport athlete physicals must be dated on/after 6/1/2024. Physicals must cover the entire season of participation or students will not be permitted to attend tryouts. The uploaded file must include all 5 pages of the AIA sports physical and be signed by a MD/DO/ND/NMD/NP/PA-C/CCSP.
Q: Where can I find a copy of a blank physical?
A: All required forms can be found in the Arbiter registration portal.
Q: Does my student need to complete the Opioid/BrainBook training?
A: Yes, this 2 part training is required only 1 time during high school and it can be found here: Opioid & BrainBook Training
Q: Can we drop off the paperwork in athletics?
A: No. All paperwork must be completed and uploaded to ArbiterSports/FamilyID
Q: I have more than one child participating, do I need to register them separately?
A: Yes, each student requires a unique profile with their own documents uploaded. Multiple students may be registered under 1 family login.
Q: Can we tryout if our paperwork is not complete?
A: No. This is an Arizona Interscholastic Association rule. Once the official season begins, students must have all required paperwork completed and approved. Any school athletic program found to be in violation of this requirement may be disqualified from playoffs and face financial penalties. AIA 24/25 Season Start & End Dates
Q: When are fees due?
A: The athletic fees are due once rosters are completed and they are billed through FACTS each season. This is typically completed a week following tryouts.
Q: Is there a fee to tryout or what if we change our minds?
A: There is no fee to tryout, students may change their minds before the first official contest begins. Once contests begin, there are no refunds.
Q: Is FamilyID and ArbiterSports the same thing?
A: Yes, FamilyID became ArbiterSports, your username and password are the same.
Athletics Office Contacts
Jim Shewbridge
Athletic Director
480.963.1900, Ext. 2020
Autumn Kish
Assistant AD
480.963.1900, Ext. 2367
Jennifer Hutchison
Admin Assistant - Athletics
480.963.1900, Ext. 2021
Jazmyn Woods
Athletic Trainer
480.963.1900, Ext 2018