Alma Mater

Alma Mater
Seton High, we pledge our loyalty
Pledge our honor, pledge our love.
We will ever prove our constancy, 
Aided by God's grace from above.
For our God and for our country,
We will labor faithfully, 
Showing forth in every action, 
Those ideals instilled by thee.
As thy loyal sons and daughters
We will strive, O Seton High, 
To be mindful of thy teachings
And to bear thy standard high.
Faithful ever, our endeavor
May thy honor be our goal.
Alma Mater, Alma Mater
Thy true greatness we extol! 
Spirit Song
Seton Catholic Sentinels are we
We are loyal, true will we ever be.
Red and Gold strive for victory!
Stand and cheer for Seton High
Fight on for Sentinel pride!