Sentinels Booster Club

In support of the mission of Seton Catholic Preparatory and its Athletic Department, the Sentinels Booster Club provides the social, financial, and community resources to promote excellence in all its athletic programs.

We are organized for the purpose of:

  • Providing support for the Athletic Department and overall development of our student athletes
  • Raising funds to be used directly for the Athletic Department
  • Organizing the interests and resources of the members of the Club in support of the Athletic Program
  • Keeping members informed of the activities of all Athletic programs
  • Acting as an organization for the mutual exchange of ideas between the Sentinel Booster Club, the Athletic Department, Seton Administration & Advancement Dept, Seton Parents' Association (SPA), the student athletes and other on-campus organizations.
We are supported financially through memberships, sponsorships, and various fundraisers throughout the school year. Thanks to the generous support of our members and sponsors, we are able to fund athletic programs, facility improvements, community events (such as Tailgating), and athletic scholarships.
In addition to providing program support for Boys Golf, Cross Country, E-Sports (coming in Fall 2021), Soccer, Spirit Line, Swim & Dive, and Track & Field, see photos below for projects funded during the 2019-'20 year:

Booster Upgrade

Executive Board
Chris Fogerty
Jim Steinkamp
Vice President
David Albanese
Yvonne Colland
Joe Wallace
Continuing Member
Laura DeCaro
Continuing Member
Purchase a Membership here: