- December 7, 2024 (Extended Test Time Available) - Closed
- December 14, 2024 (Makeup HSPT) - Closed
- If your student has not taken the HSPT, please email [email protected].
High School Placement Test (HSPT)

- Test Fee is $50
- Payment is made online through the signup form.
- An email with instructions will be sent a few days prior to the test date your student is scheduled for.
This is a three and a half hour test. Time allocations are as follows:
- Verbal Skills: 60 questions, 18 minutes
- Quantitative: 52 questions, 30 minutes
- Reading: 62 questions, 25 minutes
- Mathematics: 64 questions, 45 minutes
- Language: 60 questions, 25 minutes
- English: Writing portion (essay), 25 minutes
- Optional Science Portion: 40 questions, 25 minutes. For those who would like to be considered for honors Biology. The test will be given the same day you take the HSPT.
- If your student is taking the HSPT at another location and would like to take the Science portion, please email [email protected].
Applicants who take the HSPT at Seton will receive a copy of their test scores within the Admission Decision Letter.
- Be well rested and have a good breakfast the day of the test.
- Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to exam time.
- The test begins promptly at your designated start time.
- Bring at least two #2 pencils.
- NO calculators permitted.
- Dress casually and comfortably. Bring a sweater/sweatshirt, as the rooms may be chilly.
- Water and snacks will be provided. Students are welcome to bring their own snacks and water.
- The HSPT can only be taken once.
- No smartwatches allowed.
- Seton Catholic provides extended test time for students with documentation (IEP/504 Plan/Support Plan). Documentation must be emailed to us at [email protected] one week prior to the test date.
- Visit Scholastic Testing Services HSPT Parent's Page here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
All students who apply for admissions to Seton Catholic Prep (as well as any of the Catholic high schools) must take the High School Placement Test (HSPT). It is important to note that each school utilizes this test differently, and it is incumbent upon the family to research and clearly understand each of the schools’ policies regarding the HSPT. At Seton Catholic Prep, the HSPT is used in two ways:
- It helps assess whether applicants possess the skills necessary for success within our academic program.
- It helps identify students who are capable of, and would benefit from, a more rigorous, honors level curriculum.
The HSPT provides a reliable, nationally normed, research-based indicator of a student’s ability and preparedness in Math, Science and English. While any individual test can never fully tell the whole story, when reviewed alongside other data points such as the Iowa Basics, AIMS and class performance, the results do provide a clearer picture of a student’s capacity for success in honors level classes.
By utilizing the HSPT results in conjunction with the application for admission, Seton Catholic Prep will offer students placement into honors level courses if the criteria for each discipline are met.
The HSPT is designed to verify that you have a solid 8th grade education. Test results may warrant that you attend summer school as a condition of admittance. A high score on the placement test does not guarantee your admission. Similarly, a low score does not guarantee that you won’t be accepted for admission.